Celebrating Sheikha’s Achievement at the Islamic Trivia Competition
Our congratulations are in order for Sheikha and her Mombasa Campus team on an inspiring performance at the Islamic Trivia Competition organized by MSAUN. This stellar event was held on 24th November 2024 with the participation of 10 teams from different campuses for a mentally challenging and spiritually revitalizing competition.
As Sheikha shared on her LinkedIn, this competition wasn’t about winning; it was about how knowledge, teamwork, and faith can work together. Coming all the way from Mombasa to Nairobi, her team showed resilience and determination to make it through some challenging questions that touched on many aspects of Islam and the Quran.
But their determination reaped results despite the rigorous nature of the competition, with a very impressive third place. This accomplishment granted them a 50% funded Umrah trip, including visas and 15-day accommodation, courtesy of the generous sponsorship by Al Ihsan Charity. A trip to the holy city of Makkah is a monumental milestone, and the spiritual journey is sure to leave an indelible mark on their lives.
As she so beautifully expressed on her LinkedIn post:
This experience has reminded me of the importance of knowledge, teamwork, and faith.
As Oluoch Kimori, we couldn’t be prouder to witness such a beautiful display of dedication and growth.
See More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGSCOmdON4M